Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The telephone, the dog, and a cute story about Malorie

I guess some people really like the telephone. I do not. I much prefer e-mail or texting. It seems like each time I settle down to do something for myself for a second, the phone is ringing. Then if I ignore it, then my cell phone rings. This annoys me. People...I will call you back. I always do. Some days I just don't feel like chatting. Nothing personal. That's just me. If you manage to get me on the phone, and my kids get loud and out of control, then let me go. Thanks.

The dog...a very yappy Toy Maltese, named Missy. This dog yaps all day and all night. We have tried numerous things to stop her. At night, we have her under control. She sleeps in a rather large cage and we put a blanket in her line of vision to keep her from barking at things. It works. During the day...we have tried spray bottles, shaking cans with coins loudly, closing blinds and a bark collar. Also we have tried just putting her outside. Nada. She is 3 1/2 and we just decided to get a nylon muzzle for her. She can still drink, pant, and vomit with it on. We purchased it 3 days ago. Each time she begins to bark, it goes on. It only stays on until the cause of the barking disappears or until she appears calm, whichever comes first. Today is day 3, and she has only needed it once. I just show it to her and say, "no barking". Then she stops. Why the hell didn't I try this sooner?

So yesterday, I had taken a shower and while upstairs I remembered that my jeans were in the dryer downstairs. I asked my almost 4 yr. old to "please go get mommy's jeans from the dryer". She disappeared for about 5-6 minutes. I asked, "Malorie? Do you need help?" I hear her grunting..."uh...uuhhh..yes momma". When I reached the bottom the stairs I saw her trying to pull an entire load of laundry in a basket...Bless her heart.

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