Sunday, June 7, 2009

Birds, Frogs, and Bunnies, OH MY!

So it seems that I have the Wild Kingdom in my backyard. Wednesday, Malorie came in the house waving around a dead bird. YUCK! Of course I made her, her sister, and their playmate Calvin, wash their hands immediately. Thursday, Miranda found a baby rabbit, and it died shortly after she found it. It appears that our dog, Missy, got to it first. We discovered a rabbit's nest in a bush in our backyard, and have since been trying to keep the dog and the kids away from it. Not an easy task. Friday, Ted found a frog in the backyard. Miranda just had to hold it, and it pee-ed all over her hands. Again...YUCK! Then Malorie wanted to hold it, and of course then Calvin...As Ted passed it over the fence to Calvin, it pee'ed on Ted too. Disgusting. I made everyone wash up really good. I never knew a frog could pee such a large amount so many times in a row.

Then, Saturday, we decided to adopt a rabbit for the kids. They really wanted to keep one of the babies from our yard, but we learned that is not a good idea. I found out that Pet's Mart in Rochester Hills was have a bunny adoption, so we gathered the kids and went to it. There was only one bunny left, and he was HUGE! I swear he stood at least 2 1/2 feet tall. I was concerned about having a place large enough for him, so we skipped out on him and went to the Michigan Humane Society around the corner where we found a cute 3 1/2 lb. female bunny. She is tan, spayed, and 8 1/2 months old. We named her Marley.

We spent a lot of time purchasing what we need for her, and learning how to take care of her. It is going to be more work than we initially thought, but Ted is going to help me. Missy, the dog, will not stop sniffing at the pour thing. Everytime we let Marley have some free time out of the cage, Missy has to be held or she chases her everywhere. Missy is small too, and can pretty much go wherever Marley goes. Ted says we should just let her chase her, but I strongly disagree. I feel they need to be slowly brought together. This ought to be interesting.

The kids want to hold Marley all of the time. This is also going to be interesting. We keep explaining to them that rabbits think they have fallen prey when they are held. I guess it's going to take time for them to learn. We purchased locks for the cage so the kids cannot get into it while we are not near to watch.

So now we have a dog, a fish, and a rabbit. What's next?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The telephone, the dog, and a cute story about Malorie

I guess some people really like the telephone. I do not. I much prefer e-mail or texting. It seems like each time I settle down to do something for myself for a second, the phone is ringing. Then if I ignore it, then my cell phone rings. This annoys me. People...I will call you back. I always do. Some days I just don't feel like chatting. Nothing personal. That's just me. If you manage to get me on the phone, and my kids get loud and out of control, then let me go. Thanks.

The dog...a very yappy Toy Maltese, named Missy. This dog yaps all day and all night. We have tried numerous things to stop her. At night, we have her under control. She sleeps in a rather large cage and we put a blanket in her line of vision to keep her from barking at things. It works. During the day...we have tried spray bottles, shaking cans with coins loudly, closing blinds and a bark collar. Also we have tried just putting her outside. Nada. She is 3 1/2 and we just decided to get a nylon muzzle for her. She can still drink, pant, and vomit with it on. We purchased it 3 days ago. Each time she begins to bark, it goes on. It only stays on until the cause of the barking disappears or until she appears calm, whichever comes first. Today is day 3, and she has only needed it once. I just show it to her and say, "no barking". Then she stops. Why the hell didn't I try this sooner?

So yesterday, I had taken a shower and while upstairs I remembered that my jeans were in the dryer downstairs. I asked my almost 4 yr. old to "please go get mommy's jeans from the dryer". She disappeared for about 5-6 minutes. I asked, "Malorie? Do you need help?" I hear her grunting..."uh...uuhhh..yes momma". When I reached the bottom the stairs I saw her trying to pull an entire load of laundry in a basket...Bless her heart.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Monica's life as wife and mother

Ted and I got married June 5, 1999, about 8 1/2 years after we met. (But we were apart for 2 1/2 of those years) So we have been together for like 17 years. Our 10 year anniversary is Friday. We gave up downsized our honeymoon in order to buy a great condo, and agreed to take our cruise for our 10 year. It is not gonna happen. The economy is so crappy.

We were doing better financially in the first few years of marriage than in the past 4. Isn't that opposite than it should be? Each year is financially harder. At first, it really bothered me, and it was a hard adjustment for Ted and I. Me losing my job...his on the line constantly. But you know what? I learned something really super important. I think Ted has too. I can be happy without the finer things, and with my daughter having autism, and not dressing up for work and carrying a briefcase, and If I had to sell my house to downsize that's fine too.

I personally went through some extremly difficult times trying to figure out how to fix Miranda, to control Miranda, to figure out what I did to make her autistic, why my kid? Well, I sought out help in many areas. Therapy for she and I separatly was first, and it opened up several avenues for more help. I learned that Miranda didn't need fixing. She needed help learning things babies and toddlers usually pick up instinctivly. From that point on I just worked and waited until I could see improvement...proof that she can and will live a normal life. Because they said she will. It is slow and hard, but they were right. I am lucky to have this child, and she is lucky to have me.

Losing my job was a blessing in disguise. If I had to work full-time and be away from home 10 hours a day, 5 days a week, and still bring work home, then how on earth would Miranda have come to learn what she has so far? She needed me. God works in mysterious ways.

And Malorie...I was not sure I wanted another baby. But we did it anyways. She has helped me to find laughter and love where I thought I had lost it all. When I was day-dreaming about hitting the road, and was deep in depression that I denied, Malorie joined us. She was born to us a week or so after my Aunt Debi passed away. Right at the start of my sister having troubles in her life. Troubles that made me even more sick. Malorie seemed to be my only source of joy and love. I was numb to everything else positive, and only felt negative. So very unlike me.

Ted's job takes its toll on us, but at least he has one. When things were so bad for me, he was working afternoons travelling from Chesterfield to Flat Rock. I am pretty much a single mom of 2. Even when he's home he is sleeping. We are on opposite schedules. Maybe that's why we are still Anyways, when I needed him, he had no choice but to be gone. My sister was also MIA. I really had nobody to understand me except my closest friends, Veronica and my mother-in-law Carole. Veronica helped me laugh, and Carole let me cry. Both women are so important to me. My mom was there too sometimes, but she was wrapped up in some personal things that were important, and I didn't want to burden her. She was dealing with the loss of her sister, and with my sister's issues. Plus my dad had a heart attack, and lost his job. She didn't need to hear me cry.

So here I am, 36, married 10 years, 2 great kids ages 6 and almost 4. I work at Starbucks. Money is very tight. My husband's job is uncertain. My sister is wonderful. My Miranda is thriving, and I can feel positive things again. Love, laughter, joy. I am in remission from my depression. Would I do this all again? YOU BET!

Monday, June 1, 2009

The Beginning of our blog

So here I am. It is June 1, 2009, and I am finally going to begin (that spelling doesn't look correct) blogging. I am new to this, so I need to fool around a bit until I figure it out. Oh cool I can chose colors. This should be fun to play with.

So today is the last week of school until summer vacation. I got the kids off to school and promptly went to the pet store. I bought a new fish bowl for our betta fish. The poor thing was living in a teen tiny little bowl. Then I went to JCPenney and purchased a new bathing suit for each of my girls because theirs are old. They still fit, but I signed them up for swimming class today, so they really need more than 2 suits since it will be 4 days a week. I was pretty satisfied with what I paid. Can't complain too much about 65% off!

Malorie had an ice-cream social at her preschool class today. So Ted and I went to that. I didn't bring gifts for the teachers because we are broke right now. It seems we aren't the only ones. Thank goodness for that.

Both kids are home now, and running in and out of the house in their new bathing suits. Hope they stay happy the rest of the day.